Sunday, February 1, 2015

Crockpot yogurt

We have been on a journey towards fully homemade food for these past three years. The first foray into this was our yogurt. At the time, I made a large protein smoothie for us both (this was pre-kids, when I could spend 10 minutes getting things together without the living room getting blown up) and wanted to have yogurt in that and with our lunches without spending so much each week. 
Our weekly grocery budget as newlyweds: $40. 
I was motivated.
Found this recipe through a friend, and have been enjoying the taste of yogurt ever since. 
If you're wondering about pricing:
For example: To make yogurt, one organic whole milk half gallon is around $4-5 and a 6 oz container of organic whole milk greek yogurt, around $1-2 on sale; one quart of organic whole milk yogurt is $3 (at the cheapest reliable brand I have found thus far at Whole Foods.) As I haven't had to buy a starter in a long time by using the last 6 oz of my yogurt for my next batch, I can spend $4 on almost 2 1/2 quarts of yogurt as opposed to $6 or more. Every little bit helps, and it's not so time-draining that it would cancel the financial savings.
And I enjoy making things from scratch, blast it.
 We now pay $6 for 1/2 gal of raw milk, but we've decided that it's worth it for the health benenfits. So now I pay $6 for 2 plus quarts of raw yogurt that is ridiculously healthy for my family. 
We've recently been able to join a milk co-op, and get milk, butter, cottage cheese, kefir grains, and occasional meat from our friendly milk man. Quality! Never going back. 

Put half a gallon of whole milk into a crock pot, cover, and put on low. Set your timer for two and a half hours.

At the end of that time, turn off the crock pot and keep covered for another three hours.
If you want to add vanilla, do a 1/4 teaspoon at this time.

At the three hour mark, take 2 cups of milk  out of the crock pot and put in a medium bowl. To that, add 6 oz of yogurt starter and 1 cup of powdered milk

Above: vanilla stored in a mason jar, powdered milk, yogurt.

 I use Morning Moos which can be found here, but only because it was given to us in bulk, so why not? and it helps with thickness. when I haven't used it, it's still just fine.
 Mix with a wooden spoon once or twice, then pour back into crock. mix once or twice, then cover.
Why a wooden spoon, you ask?
I find I have a certain fondness for rustic looking wooden spoons.

Wrap in two towels, and leave overnight

In the morning, voila! 2 quarts of yogurt. yum.

With this stored easily in my quart mason jars, it's a simple matter to make smoothies, parfaits,  overnight morning oatmeal, and anything you've a mind to soak. 

So good.

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