Monday, January 26, 2015

Trucking Health

My husband is a truck-driver.
Workin' hard, driving all day, navigating the roads and hazards while keeping his sanity and providing so well for us trucker.

I think he's pretty handsome, myself. 
I digress. 

This new season of our lives with him gone throughout the week means I need to be more creative with my meal prep. Buying fast-food as needed while he drives is neither possible with our budget, or healthy for his hard-working self. Add that to only having a mini-fridge with no way to heat anything up, and it's been a challenge. Then toss in the fact that we're trying to heal our teeth, and it becomes fry your brain frustrating. Naturally, I gave it a try. 

His menu thus far: 

Breakfasts: Mason Jar Oatmeal with my own variation

Lunches: a pound of whatever healthy deli meat and cheese is on sale for easy roll ups. No bread.

Snacks: in season veggies and fruits that A. he likes and B. will stand up for travel. Usually apples, oranges, carrot sticks and green beans. Hmm. Need to try my homemade ranch recipe out...

Add-ons: My crock-pot yogurt for pro-biotic healthy goodness or homemade applesauce

Dinners: Whatever meat from the weekend we have leftover. This week it was a large chicken leg, and a Pyrex-worth of pork roast we bought from our friendly farmer friend. 

Other ways we try to keep him healthy are sending his vitamins and DoTerra essential oils with him. Lemon for water and general upkeep
OnGuard for cold prevention 
Deep Blue for his sore everything 
(Feel free to ask around here if you have any Essential Oil questions, by the by)

So far this routine has been very helpful for our wallet and his health. He doesn't mind having the same things each week, for which I'm thankful. Still, I'm always on the look out for new ways to send tasty and worthwhile food with him. Want to keep our provider going strong so he can come back to us at the end of the day! 

If you have a situation where healthy living isn't easy, don't give up. Brainstorm and try new things. You never know when a new recipe or creative friend will help you out. 

Feel free to suggest any other teeth-friendly, tasty foods for me to try! 

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