Monday, January 26, 2015

Running out of toothpaste ain't so bad.

I gotta say, money was the 1st reason I got into this. Mostly because we didn't have much.

Well, and I wanted us to be healthy.

So, get rid of toxins and other grossness.

Also because I enjoy making things from scratch.

And my husband might call me a Christ-saved-tree-hugger who is somewhat crunchy.

Which might mean I me hug a tree at least once a year, just to be spiteful.


But 1st, it was ye old moolah.

I had coconut oil, I had baking soda, I had peppermint oil. I did not, however, have toothpaste. Or the money to get the one we liked until the next paycheck. What's a girl to do?
Why, do what someone who has plenty of experience in on-the-fly cooking: see if there's anything in the pantry that could make a decent toothpaste.

And thus it began.

What else could I make out of regular household ingredients?
O, I found many things.

Three years and two children later, we've expanded our reasons for continuing in this. Having little ones tends to do that. I look for new ways to save money, because I want to use what we have in the best way we can. Glorify God by using his creation--whether that means oils, plants, food, or the brains He gave us to keep our family healthy and growing. Keep that crud out of my little boys body. Have an arsenal at my disposal for our health. Enjoy working with our own hands and passing that knowledge on.
And yes, to save that moolah.
Run out of toothpaste. It'll change ya life.

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