Thursday, August 25, 2011


We're going with a few wedding traditions, and realized we should know what the history and significance really is besides feeling very wedding-ish. 

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Ah, Love

Some worthwhile, as well as rediculous, as well as poignant, thoughts on love from others.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

a midnight ramble

It's been a long week. Only Thursday, you say? well.
Since moving forward together in life, time has seemed both speedy and slow in the same breath.
    'It's already August...four months left?!' we gape at each other. And's only just over nine months since this all 'began'.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The Proposal: X 3

After deciding on October 24th to move forward in a relationship, two weeks of insanity followed.
That Sunday, William Levi preached about Islam, the importance of marriage and having children, and
other words of wisdom. Afterwards while I (melinda) was talking with his wife Hannah, William asked Travis if we had set a date yet. I think the response in both our heads was
Fortunately, speechlessness didn't last too long and later that day, Travis said that it had set his mind to whirring and that he knew what he wanted, and where he felt that our Papa was leading us. After talking around the bush for a bit--a hobby of ours, at times--he wanted to know if he should get down on one knee.
Part of my brain was saying, 'psh. who needs that?' while the other said 'THIS IS THE ONLY TIME YOU GET TO HAVE THIS, DON'T WASTE IT BEING UNDERSTATED MY GOODNESS WOMAN YOU'RE ALREADY WEARING PURPLE SWEATPANTS.' so he did.
Part 1 end.